Well, I saw my last post in this blog... and well I have changed my mind since then and I discovered that are a lot of people that were right about not deleting my posts...
I'm not sure yet in which language I should continue writing it (Romanian or English). This blog was officially started in Romanian, but I found out that I love writing in English, and anyway there are not a lot of people who don't know English.
If I want to keep this blog too, I'll just have to find a theme for it because the original name was "my thoughts", but I'm not sure I want to share things I think about. You may get scared.
Enough of the boring stuff. I have an interesting article about Halloween on my other blog(dark-and-lighter.blogspot.com)
Happy Halloween day!
luni, 31 octombrie 2011
joi, 3 martie 2011
What should I do in life?
I am writing because and I don't want to talk to anyone in particular about this. Anyway no one reads this so it doesn't matter. Today was an interesting day, although it was just for me. I am not going to bore you with stupid things.
I want to ask something. Did you ever consider about your job? I mean what are going to do in the future? Will you be a doctor, a teacher, or maybe you'll be nobody? I like many things but I believe non of them attracts me enough to make a career out of that. I've started doing many things in my life and I got bored more easily than I would've planned it. Maybe I'm not meant to do something. But then what happens? Guess I'll just go mad.
I am supposed to delete this blog. Firstly, I don't need it. Secondly, nobody reads it. Anyway at some point it can be boring. And I don't read other people's blogs, well just my cousin's. I have this need to something, but I don't know what, because I get stuck in the middle or I get always easily bored. Any solutions? Well, thanks for nothing, because even if you knew something you wouldn't tell me so let's just forget about it.
Maybe you are wondering what's the point of this entry. I'm just bored and I am looking for something new to do, I am remembering things, maybe I'll get obsessed again with something from the past. Or maybe not. It depends on my ideas and unfortunately they are not very constructive... I mean they don't lead me somewhere I feel useful. It feels that everything I do, every talent I have I can't use it. Why? Because I am not good enough for anything.
Now that maybe you think I'm too pessimistic I'll end this "conversation". Anyway, you probably don't understand. Do I speak too formal in english? When I don't, I often tend to speak too informal, so let's forget about it.
P.S.: The song has a little connection with my post ^_^
marți, 11 ianuarie 2011
Scrisoare catre Mos Craciun
Iti scriu tarziu, dar e pentru la anul. Si e prima mea scrisoare catre tine asa ca sa nu razi. Vreau un pom, un pom care sa nu cada niciodata si sa aiba o poarta secreta in el, pe care sa o stiu doar eu. Vreau sa ma lasi sa merg acolo de cate ori ma simt trista si in lumea aceea sa fie totul bine, sa fie asa cum trebuie sa fie... frumos.
Mai vreau o pereche de casti, dar nu orice fel de casti, ci niste casti ca atunci cand le pun sa nu mai aud nimic din jur si cine vorbeste cu mine doar sa ii zambesc si sa ma prefac ca l-am auzit. Nu mai vreau cuvinte... cuvintele sunt degeaba. Am auzit multe si mai ales frumoase... dar au ramas doar atat, cuvinte!
Vreau si un pistol. Atunci cand toti vor pleca in lume si vor uita de mine, vor uita de tot si isi vor urma cursul vietii vreau sa mor. Atunci nu o sa mai am pentru cine sau ce sa traiesc. Dar te rog, pistolul, sa fie silentios. Nu vreau sa sperii lumea.
Si mai vreau ceva. Cand o persoana promite din nou ceva de care nu s-a tinut de cuvant nici ultima oara, te rog sa o faci sa taca, pentru ca daca nu o faci sa taca o sa zica aceleasi prostii din nou si daca nu am castile la mine s-ar putea sa o cred!
Apoi vreau o fantoma. O fantoma cu care sa vorbesc, nu ca nu am prieteni, dar aceasta fantoma ar fi 24 din 24 de ore disponibila si chiar daca imi da sfaturi proaste as putea sa ii spun tot ce vreau si sa imi vars nervii pe ea. Uneori nu am pe cine sa imi vars nervii si imi trebuie un voluntar.
Vreau si un sac de box. Nu e de ajuns doar exprimarea verbala. Am nevoie de un voluntar solid pentru nervii mai multi, mai mari, rai.
Si nu in ultimul rand, am fost cuminte. Nu am injurat lumea prea rau, nu am dorit raul nimanui poate doar moartea a 2-3 persoane, nu am dorit sa bat pe nimeni poate doar 2 persoane, nu am vrut sa arunc nimic pe geam, doar pe mine ... si in rest ... atat.
Cu draq... adica cu drag,
P.S: Te rog sa-mi pastrezi confidentialitatea si sa nu dezvalui dorintele mele renilor.
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